What We Do
We equip Turks and Turkish speaking believers for ministry in Turkey and in the nations.
Our training is not simply an information download, but an intensive year-long program that fosters growth in three areas:
knowledge, experience and to character.
The Filipus program includes eight months of classes in five areas:
Biblical Studies
- Old Testament: A four week, book-by-book survey
- New Testament: A four week, book-by-book survey
- Hermeneutics
- In depth studies covering various topics / biblical themes
History / Religions
- History of Christianity
- Intro to Islam and the Koran
- World Religions
- Four weeks of systematic theology
- Apologetics
- Development of doctrine
- Ethics
Practical Ministry Topics
- Preaching
- Bible study and small group leading
- Worship leading
- Evangelism
- Children's ministries
- Peacemaking
- Family and relationships
Spiritual Formation / Discipleship
- Four weeks of spiritual formation and prayer
- Leadership and character development
- Spiritual warfare
An essential part of the Filipus program is providing opportunities to live out that which is being learned in the classes. Over the years Filipus has both partnered with, and also initiated a number of different ministries with the aim to bring truth and compassion to the world around us, and also to equip participants with useful practical skills to engage with the world.
Filipus takes the great commission very seriously and each year participants have regular opportunities to connect with those outside the church to demonstrate and communicate the Gospel message. At times this looks like blessing the neighbourhood by making a large pot of soup and welcoming folks into the church for soup and conversation. At other times it looks like prayer walking through neighbourhoods or towns which currently have no Christian witness. Some times this looks like going to parks or cafes seeking to pray for the sick or discouraged and to share the Gospel message with those interested in hearing more. At still other times it looks like interacting with online seekers, answering questions and doing follow-up for those interested in understanding and hearing more about the Christian faith through social media platforms.
Filipus also takes very seriously the compassion of God. God pleads for the orphan and the widow and embraces and heals the leper. At times expressing the compassion of God looks like making food to distribute to the homeless. At other times it looks like reaching out to the many refugees who are within Turkey's borders, with clothing and food distribution, medical help, or practical training such as language classes, barista training, or sewing projects. Some times this looks like organizing and implementing programs for children, whether as part of a conference or as part of an outreach to a refugee neighbourhood. At still other times this looks like helping out a family with special needs with tasks that may be difficult such as cleaning or moving.
Being equipped with practical job skills, a solid work ethic, and principles of good stewardship and team building are essential parts of preparing participants to be effective ministers for Christ. At times this looks like barista and business training with participants through CoffeeHaus roasting company based in Ankara.
At other times this looks like learning and helping out with administrative and practical tasks in any number of parachurch ministries Filipus has connections with, such tasks are essential for any secular job or ministry.